Song of the General Ancient Melody Arr. by Peng Xiuwen
Moonlight on the Spring River Ancient Melody Arr. by Peng Xiuwen
The Insect World Doming Lam
1. The Busy Bees
2. The Dragonflies
3. The Silk Worms
4. The Butterflies
5. The Insect World
Recitation by: Ambrose Lung, Berenice Lung, Callum Lung
Gaohu Concerto
The Butterfly Lovers He Zhanhao and Chen Gang Arr. by Ng Tai Kong
Eco-Gaohu: Zhang Chongxue
Gehu, Pipa, Sheng, Zhongruan and Orchestra
Ambush from All Sides Ancient Melody Arr. by Li Cangsang and China Magpie Arr. and Orch. for Chinese Orchestra by Chew Hee Chiat
Eco-Gehu: Tung Hiu Lo
Pipa: Zhang Ying
Sheng: Lu Yi
Zhongruan: Fung Yin Lam